Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another Look at Baptism

I was asked to share some thoughts on water baptism before my niece's upcoming baptism. I actually have another niece wanting to be baptized, so I'm please to weigh in on the subject.

The transforming work that takes place when we are "baptized into Christ" is nothing short of life-changing. I could share at length on our being crucified with Christ and buried with him in baptism. I could argue that there is no other verb in scripture as to how we are found to be "in Christ". I could take on the case that baptizing "in the Name of Jesus" (Acts 2:38) is the correct way to baptize "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matt 28:19) ~ But hey, I love my nieces to pieces. Why would I lay all that on them?

In pondering a more youth-friendly approach to the miraculous transformation that occurs at baptism, my wife nudged me in a more appropriate direction. "Why don't you share the "planted" aspect? What kid hasn't planted something and watched it grow?" Great point. So, here goes...

"For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection" (Romans 6:5)

Have you ever planted a flower seed into the ground, or maybe into flower pot? You gently place that little seed into a finger hole in the dirt and carefully cover it up. You will never see that seed again, you don't really want too. What you want to see is what that seed will become!
Pretty soon a small sprout appears. It moves and stretches and grows - into the beautiful flower you wanted.

When you are baptized, you are gently placed in the water (like they gently placed the Jesus' body in the tomb). And fortunately you don't have to stay under water very long - you get to come right back up! But, you know what? Just like that seed was changed into a flower, when you come up you are changed! You were planted like Jesus was planted in the grave, but you come up like He came up - resurrected!

Well, it's that simple. Another look at baptism.

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