Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Lesson from Sunday School

(I'’m a bit tardy in posting this, but the Truth is timeless and eternal, right?)

The Sunday school class my wife and I attend is studying the "“feasts of the Lord"” as outlined in Leviticus 23. Last week I read ahead the verses covering "“Firstfruits"” (v. 9-14) but came away with what I believe is an all-too-common response;

"“I'’m sure there is something significant here, but I just don'’t get it."”

Please don'’t get me wrong, I don'’t mean that in a flippant way. Many times I'’ve had the pleasure of studying a difficult passage until suddenly, usually in conjunction with another passage, it becomes "“quick and powerful"” (Hebrews 4:12). Other times all I see is letters on the page.

In class however, I learned that there was indeed something significant in that Leviticus passage - the timing of Firstfruits!

  • Passover is the 14th day of the first month (v.5).
  • The seven days of Unleavened Bread begin the next day (v.6) with a holy convocation/day of rest/Sabbath (v.7).
  • Firstfruits is the day after that Sabbath (v.15).

Jesus, our Passover, was also the Firstfruit offering on the third day!

This most "“Christian"” of dates, Easter, Resurrection Day, was actually established by God, to Moses, centuries before there was a Church or Christianity.

Praise be to God for His "“light to the Gentiles"”! (Luke 2:32)

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